_igp43231My name’s Evan Rosa. I was born in Massachusetts in 1982, and was converted to Californianity in 1989. I like thinking about stuff.

And I teach this class on Clive Staples Lewis.

Through his writing and life, Clive Staples has taught me (the teacher and facilitator of this class) innumerable lessons of philosophy, theology, religion, logic, clarity, wit, creativity, and love. (The list could’ve run, but here’s not the place.)

And so, I hope to simply think about some of these lessons with others – since I’m certainly not the first or the only person to have gleaned a greater understanding of life through this man’s experience and work.

I’m interested in a broad range of intellectual issues, from philosophy to bioethics to language to literature to history to marriage, and Mr. Lewis happens to be an exemplar of each of these. And so I consider him a mentor and professor of my own. I’m preparing to enter graduate study in philosophy and theology this Fall of 2009, and hope to continue to read, enjoy, reflect and discuss Clive Staples for the rest of my life.

(I also keep up a web log of my own thoughts and reactions to news and other ideas – it’s called Cultural Velocity. Check it out sometime!)

2 Responses to “About Evan”

  1. 1 Walt (& Ginny) June 25, 2009 at 3:04 am

    Paul Gasner (aka Pablo) has been in your C.S. Lewis class and speaks highly of you. He thinks we should get acquainted before you and Lani head off to grad school. After browsing in your various blogs, I’m impressed with the quality and quantity of your writing and Internet savvy. I couldn’t find a phone number for you or an email address apart from a blog, so I’m contacting you this way. I’m an old codger who has been a Christian for over 70 years, so I think it’s going to last. Ginny and I have lived in our Troll House in Berkeley since 1972 and would be glad to have you guys over for a meal and conversation before you get away. This note will give you my email address, to get things rolling. I used to be a biochemistry professor but in Berkeley we have been freelance editors and writers, now members of First Pres in Berkeley. We have a whole bookcase devoted to Lewis books and we’re followers of Jesus. Email us directly and we’ll go from there, OK?–Walt

  2. 2 savannah March 11, 2010 at 11:11 pm

    hey this is savannah and im concirend about what clive lewis did.

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